Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Curious adventures leads to interesting book

I'm pretty sure if you ask anyone about Hugh Hefner or Playboy they'll know exactly who and what you are talking about. I on the other hand had absolutely no idea about the two until Fall of 2005. I was first introduced to the world of Playboy when commercials for a new "reality" television show began airing Summer of 2005.
I am addicted to reality t.v. so of course these commercials intrigued me. The commercials showed three young beautiful blondes having fun while dating a man who could be their grandfather. Of course I thought this was gross but I wanted to see how the dynamics of their "relationship" played out.
Before I watched the first episode and before "goggling" was a thing I had no idea what to expect. I anxiously awaited the shows premiere and was instantly hooked on the show! I absolutely loved all three girls and tuned in every week until the show was cancelled to see what shenanigans the girls would get in to. Like I said earlier I was a fan of three girls and I was sad to see them leave Hef when everything seemed to be perfect.
Of course I rooted for Holly to marry Hef and live happily every after...

Cut to Summer of 2015 (10 years later) and I get my hands on a copy of Holly Madison's Book. Ok I lied, I didn't actually buy the book but I downloaded it on Audible (LoL) but I still got my hands on it. Anywho I couldn't wait to hear about what really went on in the Playboy Mansion. I didn't research the book before I bought it so I thought she was going to talk about how wonderful, happy, marvelous, interesting, amazing and crazy it was to live there. Boy was I wrong! Holly's time at the mansion was far from perfect and picturesque. I don't want to give too much away but it's hard to understand why she stayed for so long and put up with what she did. Holly's book is very interesting and I couldn't stop listening to it. I found myself glued to my phone listening to chapter after chapter every chance I got.
Do yourself a favor and buy the book or download it on audible.


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