How many of you want salon style curls that last all day? How many of you can't use a curling iron to save your life? How many of you wear your hair straight because it's the easiest hairstyle to do???
For years I envied girls that had straight hair on the top with curls on the bottom. I tried to copy that look and even had my hair stylist show me how to do it with a curling iron and a straightener. After a few tries and looking like a cross between Shirley Temple and Carrot Top I decided to give up. I would just either put my hair in a bun or wear it straight.
Sometime in March I was scrolling through Facebook when I saw an advertisement for the Tyme Iron. The advertisement was a short video that showed a girl straightening her hair...but then it curled when she released her hair!! I was amazed!
I clicked on the link and watched the videos that were on the website and fell in love with the iron. I clicked on the products button and all but fainted when I saw the price....$190!! Holy Cow dream crushed. I showed my husband the videos and he said "get it"...just like I told him that I wanted it for my birthday/mother's day present. Two days after mother's day I received the Tyme Iron!!! I youtubed a couple of videos on how to use it and set out to practice. The first two times I used it my curls were horrible, I thought I had made a huge mistake ordering this iron. It wasn't until I sat down and dedicated about 20 solid minutes and a steady hand that I achieved the desired results! I have used my iron every day since!
Here is a picture of what my curls looked like today : )
Order the Tyme Iron!!! It will pay for itself in a month!
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